Business law
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Business law 
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BULGARIAN BUSINESS CONSULT>Practice area>Business law





In the present reality practically all business activities are sooner or later involved in disputes which have to be resolved by the court or by other regulatory or supervisory bodies. The outcome of these disputes is often particularly important as to the firms’ development and perspectives.

In these cases the consultants of Bg Business Consult provide assistance and support to their clients involved in administrative and judicial proceedings by representing them before the state bodies and courts in the Republic of Bulgaria.

In addition to the representation in civil and administrative legal issues Bg Business Consult represents its clients in disputes related to more specialized fields such as commercial and banking law, privatization, foreign investments, public offering and trading in securities and tax law.

It is sometimes more suitable to resolve a dispute by means that make it possible to avoid long and ineffective court proceedings.

In such cases BG Business Consult may provide assistance in conducting negotiations thereby ensuring the best results for the clients.

The consultants of BG Business Consult have substantial experience in providing the necessary services for foreign investors doing business in the Republic of Bulgaria.

This includes consulting in the case of participation of foreign legal or natural persons in commercial enterprises, establishment of branches, representation in court and out-of-court proceedings.











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